Grading Rubrics

Sample Grading Rubrics for Project Deliverables #

General notes #

The points reflect relative weightings for each deliverable. The point distribution across different deliverables can vary depending upon institutional context and the specifics of the course. Combined, all rubrics below add up to 500 pts for a project that includes four development sprints.


Project Team Agreement #

50 points total

1. Team Introduction (10 points)

  • Unique Team Name (1 point)

    • 1 pt: The team name is creative, unique, and relevant to the project or team's identity.

    • 0 pts: No team name provided.

  • Group Picture (1 point)

    • 1 pts: A clear, well-taken picture of the entire team is provided, showing all team members.

    • 0 pts: No clear group picture provided.

  • Team Strengths (8 points)

    • 7-8 pts: A detailed description of the team's collective strengths, including specific skills, experiences, or characteristics that make the team effective (e.g., technical skills, leadership, communication). Examples are provided.

    • 5-6 pts: The team strengths are described, but lacking some specificity or examples.

    • 1-4 pts: Vague or incomplete description of strengths with few details or no examples.

    • 0 pts: No description of team strengths provided.

2. Individual Team Member Introductions (10 points)

  • Pictures of Each Team Member (2 points)

    • 2 pts: Clear, individual pictures of each team member are provided.

    • 1 pt: Some pictures are missing or unclear.

    • 0 pts: No pictures of team members are provided.

  • Biographies (7 points)

    • 6-7 pts: Each team member's biography is 100 words, well-written, professional, and appropriate for a prospective employer introduction. Each biography highlights relevant skills, background, and interests.

    • 4-5 pts: Biographies are written but may be slightly less professional, shorter than 100 words, or lacking key details.

    • 1-3 pts: Biographies are poorly written, unprofessional, or missing information.

    • 0 pts: No biographies provided.

  • Main Contact Identification (1 point)

    • 1 pt: One team member is clearly identified as the main contact for the instructor, with reasons for their selection.

    • 0 pts: No main contact identified.

3. First Meeting

  • Group Picture from Virtual Meeting (5 points)

    • 5 pts: A clear picture of the meeting showing all team members, demonstrating participation and engagement.

    • 3-4 pts: A picture is provided, but some team members are not visible or engagement is unclear.

    • 1-2 pts: A picture is provided, but it's unclear, missing most team members, or shows poor participation.

    • 0 pts: No picture of the meeting is provided.

4. Team Agreement Write-up (20 points total)

Each item below is worth 2 points.

  • Methods of Communication (2 points)

    • 2 pts: Clearly defined methods for communication are listed (e.g., email, phone, Slack). The rationale for choosing these methods is explained, showing understanding of team needs.

    • 1 pt: Communication methods are mentioned but without justification or clarity on why they were chosen.

    • 0 pts: No communication methods are defined.

  • Communication Response Times (2 points)

    • 2 pts: Clear guidelines for expected response times for each communication method are provided. These guidelines are realistic and agreed upon by all team members.

    • 1 pt: Response time guidelines are vague, unrealistic, or not agreed upon by all members.

    • 0 pts: No response time guidelines are provided.

  • Meeting Attendance and Scheduling (2 points)

    • 2 pts: Detailed description of meeting frequency, preferred times, and attendance requirements (e.g., weekly meetings, mandatory attendance). Policies on how to handle missed meetings are included.

    • 1 pt: Mention of meeting frequency or attendance but lacks detail or enforcement strategies.

    • 0 pts: No attendance or scheduling policies are provided.

  • Running Meetings (2 points)

    • 2 pts: Roles for running meetings are clearly defined (e.g., facilitator, note-taker). Procedures for scheduling, location (face-to-face or online), and format are specified.

    • 1 pt: Mention of running meetings but lacks defined roles or structure.

    • 0 pts: No guidelines for running meetings.

  • Meeting Preparation (2 points)

    • 2 pts: Clear expectations for meeting preparation are outlined (e.g., reading materials, agenda creation). Responsibilities for preparing materials are assigned.

    • 1 pt: Meeting preparation is mentioned but lacks detail or specific responsibilities.

    • 0 pts: No meeting preparation guidelines.

  • Version Control (2 points)

    • 2 pts: Well-defined version control practices are established, including what files to commit, frequency of commits, and guidelines for writing log messages.

    • 1 pt: Version control practices are mentioned but lack detail or clarity.

    • 0 pts: No version control guidelines are provided.

  • Division of Work (2 points)

    • 2 pts: A fair and flexible plan for dividing work is provided, encouraging all members to contribute to a broad spectrum of tasks. The decision-making process for task assignments is described.

    • 1 pt: Work division is mentioned but lacks fairness, flexibility, or detail.

    • 0 pts: No division of work strategy is provided.

  • Collaboration Plans (2 points)

    • 2 pts: Detailed plans on collaboration, including specific tools for teamwork, expected work modalities (e.g., in-person, online), and frequency of check-ins are outlined.

    • 1 pt: Collaboration is mentioned but lacks specific tools, modalities, or frequency.

    • 0 pts: No collaboration plans provided.

  • Submitting Assignments (2 points)

    • 2 pts: Clear policies on the submission process, including who is responsible for submitting, reviewing submissions, and timelines. Strategies to ensure quality and completeness are provided.

    • 1 pt: Mention of submission policies but lacks detail or clarity.

    • 0 pts: No submission policies are provided.

  • Contingency Planning (2 points)

    • 2 pts: Comprehensive plans for team member dropouts, missed meetings, academic dishonesty, and other potential issues that may arise. Clear steps for conflict resolution and maintaining team functionality are provided.

    • 1 pt: Contingency plans are mentioned but lack detail or only cover some scenarios.

    • 0 pts: No contingency plans provided.

5. Professionalism (5 Points)

  • 5 pts: Consistently uses a professional, respectful, and appropriate tone. No grammatical, punctuation, or spelling errors. Ideas are presented in a logical and organized manner, making it easy for the reader to follow. Sections and headings are clear and effective. Consistently uses appropriate formatting (e.g., font, spacing, headings) that enhances readability and professionalism.

  • 4 pts: Generally maintains a professional tone, with minor lapses that do not detract from the overall message. Few minor errors that do not impede understanding; overall writing is clear. Mostly clear organization; minor lapses in flow or structure do not significantly hinder understanding. Mostly appropriate formatting; minor issues do not detract from the overall presentation.

  • 3 pts: Tone is mostly appropriate but may contain occasional informal language or phrases that reduce professionalism. Several errors that may distract the reader but do not significantly affect comprehension. Formatting is inconsistent; some elements may hinder readability.

  • 2 pts: Tone is inconsistent; frequent informal language or lack of clarity affects the message's professionalism. Frequent errors that hinder understanding; the writing lacks clarity. Poor organization; ideas are scattered, making it difficult for the reader to grasp the overall message. Poor formatting choices that significantly detract from the presentation and readability of the document.

  • 1 pt: Tone is unprofessional or inappropriate for the audience, significantly detracting from the effectiveness of the writing. Numerous errors that severely impede comprehension; writing is confusing. Extremely poor organization; writing lacks coherence, making it almost impossible for the reader to understand. Extremely poor formatting; presentation is distracting and unprofessional.

  • 0 pts: No effort to maintain a professional tone; writing is informal or disrespectful. No attention to grammar. No organization or clarity; writing is disjointed and incoherent. No attention to formatting; the document is visually unappealing and difficult to read.


  • Each element of the submission should be presented professionally, demonstrating thoughtful planning and organization. The use of clear formatting, headings, and bullet points is encouraged to enhance readability.

  • Teams are expected to show collaboration and equal contribution, with each member playing a role in the development of this document.


Project Proposal Reflection #

50 points total

1. Intended Use of the System (20 points)

  • Clear Identification of Users (5 points)

    • 5 pts: Clearly identifies and describes all primary and secondary users of the system with specific details about their roles and needs.

    • 3-4 pts: Identifies users with some details but may be missing information about some user roles or needs.

    • 1-2 pts: General or vague identification of users without specific details.

    • 0 pts: No identification of users provided.

  • Usage Scenarios and Context (10 points)

    • 10 pts: Provides detailed scenarios and context in which the system will be used, including specific examples or use cases that illustrate how the system fits into users’ workflows.

    • 7-9 pts: Scenarios and context are described but may lack detail or completeness in some areas.

    • 4-6 pts: Vague or incomplete scenarios and context provided.

    • 1-3 pts: Minimal mention of usage scenarios with little to no context.

    • 0 pts: No usage scenarios or context provided.

  • User Benefits (5 points)

    • 5 pts: Clearly explains how the system will benefit its users, with specific examples of how it will address their needs or improve their tasks.

    • 3-4 pts: Benefits are mentioned but may lack specificity or clear connection to user needs.

    • 1-2 pts: Benefits are vague or not clearly tied to user needs.

    • 0 pts: No explanation of user benefits provided.

2. Overall Functionality of the System (15 points)

  • Description of System Functions (7 points)

    • 7 pts: Provides a comprehensive and detailed description of the system’s primary functions and features. Includes clear explanations of how these functions support user tasks. Clearly identifies features that the team will be implementing.

    • 5-6 pts: Functions are described with adequate detail but may lack some completeness or clarity.

    • 3-4 pts: Basic description of functions with limited detail or clarity.

    • 1-2 pts: Very minimal description of functions, lacking detail and clarity.

    • 0 pts: No description of system functions provided.

  • Integration with User Tasks (8 points)

    • 8 pts: Effectively explains how the system’s functions integrate with and support users’ tasks, including specific examples or scenarios showing the system’s utility.

    • 6-7 pts: Integration is described but may lack detailed examples or clear connection to user tasks.

    • 4-5 pts: Basic explanation of integration with some examples or scenarios.

    • 2-3 pts: Vague or incomplete explanation of how the system supports user tasks.

    • 0-1 pts: No explanation of system functionality in relation to user tasks provided.

3. Main Components of the System (15 points)

  • Identification of Components (7 points)

    • 7 pts: Clearly identifies and describes all major components of the system, including their roles and how they interact with each other.

    • 5-6 pts: Components are identified but may lack some detail or clarity in descriptions or interactions.

    • 3-4 pts: Basic identification of components with limited descriptions or interactions.

    • 1-2 pts: Minimal identification of components with little to no description.

    • 0 pts: No identification of components provided.

  • Rationale for Breakdown (8 points)

    • 8 pts: Provides a well-reasoned rationale for the breakdown of components, explaining why the system is divided this way and how this structure supports its functionality and user needs.

    • 6-7 pts: Rationale is provided but may lack depth or clarity in some areas.

    • 4-5 pts: Basic rationale with limited explanation or justification for the breakdown.

    • 2-3 pts: Vague or incomplete rationale with little justification.

    • 0-1 pts: No rationale for the breakdown of components provided.


  • The essay should be well-organized, with clear headings or sections corresponding to each part of the rubric. It should also be written professionally, with attention to grammar and clarity.

  • Use of diagrams or visual aids is encouraged if they help clarify the breakdown of components or functionality.

System Requirements Outline #

50 points total

1. System Overview and Use Case Diagram (10 points)

  • Narrative Overview (5 points)

    • 5 pts: Provides a detailed and clear overview of the system’s functional requirements. Includes the system’s purpose, main functions, user interactions, and how it meets user needs. Includes a clear indication of features being implemented by the team.

    • 3-4 pts: Overview is mostly clear with minor omissions or less detail.

    • 1-2 pts: General description with significant gaps in detail or clarity.

    • 0 pts: Minimal or no overview provided.

  • Use Case Diagram (5 points)

    • 5 pts: UML diagram is complete, well-organized, and accurately represents the system's functionality. All actors and use cases are clearly labeled.

    • 3-4 pts: Diagram is mostly clear but may have minor issues or missing labels.

    • 1-2 pts: Diagram is incomplete or unclear with significant errors.

    • 0 pts: No diagram provided or it is fundamentally incorrect.

2. User Stories (10 points)

  • Conversion from Use Cases (5 points)

    • 5 pts: Converts each use case into clear, well-formatted user stories: As a [user role], I want [goal] so that [reason]. Covers all major use cases that represent features being implemented by the team.

    • 3-4 pts: Most user stories are clear but may have minor format or consistency issues.

    • 1-2 pts: User stories are incomplete or unclear, with many format issues.

    • 0 pts: No user stories provided or they do not follow the correct format.

  • Pre- and Post-Conditions (5 points)

    • 5 pts: Provides detailed pre- and post-conditions for each user story. Conditions are specific, relevant, and clearly referenced.

    • 3-4 pts: Pre- and post-conditions are present but may lack some detail or clarity.

    • 1-2 pts: Conditions are incomplete or lack relevance to user stories.

    • 0 pts: No pre- and post-conditions provided.

3. User Story Complexity

  • Identification of Epics and Decomposition (5 points)

    • 5 pts: Clearly identifies large or complex user stories (epics) and provides thoughtful analysis on whether and how they can be decomposed into smaller stories. Explanation includes why decomposition is needed and how it will be achieved.

    • 3-4 pts: Identifies some epics and provides basic analysis of decomposition, though it may lack detail.

    • 1-2 pts: Limited identification of epics with minimal or unclear analysis of decomposition.

    • 0 pts: No analysis of epics or decomposition provided.

4. Nonfunctional Requirements

  • Listing and Description (5 points)

    • 5 pts: Provides a clear list of relevant nonfunctional requirements (e.g., performance, security) with detailed descriptions explaining their importance and impact on the system.

    • 3-4 pts: List of nonfunctional requirements is present with some detail, though descriptions may be lacking in clarity.

    • 1-2 pts: Basic list of nonfunctional requirements with minimal descriptions.

    • 0 pts: No nonfunctional requirements provided.

5. Glossary

  • Definition of Terms (10 points)

    • 10 pts: Includes a well-organized glossary with clear and accurate definitions for all relevant terms used in the system’s context.

    • 7-9 pts: Glossary is present with most terms defined clearly, but some definitions may lack detail.

    • 4-6 pts: Glossary includes some terms with vague or incomplete definitions.

    • 1-3 pts: Minimal glossary with few terms or unclear definitions.

    • 0 pts: No glossary provided, or definitions are not relevant.


Product Backlog #

50 points total

1. User Stories

  • Refinement and Breakdown (10 points)

    • 10 pts: User stories have been refined based on instructor feedback. Large user stories (epics) have been effectively broken down into smaller, manageable stories. Each epic is clearly linked to its corresponding new user stories.

    • 7-9 pts: Most user stories are refined, epics are broken down, though some breakdowns may lack clarity or detail.

    • 4-6 pts: User stories show partial refinement with some epics broken down, but some connections or details are missing.

    • 1-3 pts: Limited refinement of user stories and breakdown of epics. Many connections or details are unclear.

    • 0 pts: No refinement or breakdown of user stories provided.

2. Estimation and Prioritization

  • Size Estimation and Priority (10 points)

    • 10 pts: All user stories are estimated using Fibonacci numbers (1 to 21) and are clearly labeled with high, medium, or low priority. The cumulative size of all user stories is noted and calculated correctly.

    • 7-9 pts: Most user stories are estimated and prioritized correctly, with minor errors in labeling or cumulative size.

    • 4-6 pts: Some user stories are estimated and prioritized, but there are errors or omissions in the size estimation or cumulative size.

    • 1-3 pts: Limited or incorrect estimation and prioritization of user stories. Significant errors in cumulative size.

    • 0 pts: No estimation or prioritization provided.

3. Updated User Stories

  • Numbered List and Conditions (5 points)

    • 5 pts: Provides an updated, numbered list of all user stories, each with clearly defined pre- and post-conditions.

    • 3-4 pts: List is mostly updated with pre- and post-conditions, though some details may be missing.

    • 1-2 pts: List is incomplete or lacks clear pre- and post-conditions for many user stories.

    • 0 pts: No updated list or pre- and post-conditions provided.

4. Sprint Planning

  • Sprint Backlog Selection (15 points)

    • 15 pts: Identifies a subset of user stories for the first sprint with a total size of approximately 1/4 of the full backlog. Describes the functionality of the partially implemented system at the end of the sprint clearly and accurately.

    • 10-14 pts: Most selected user stories fit the criteria for the sprint, with clear description of the functionality, but minor inaccuracies or omissions are present.

    • 5-9 pts: Selection of user stories is partially correct, with some issues in size or functionality description.

    • 1-4 pts: Significant issues with the selection of user stories or functionality description.

    • 0 pts: No proper sprint planning or functionality description provided.

5. User Interface Design

  • UI Design Sketches (10 points)

    • 10 pts: Provides clear and detailed sketches of key user interface features. Sketches are relevant and demonstrate a thoughtful design process.

    • 7-9 pts: Sketches are provided with reasonable detail and relevance, but may lack some clarity or completeness.

    • 4-6 pts: UI design sketches are present but may be incomplete or unclear.

    • 1-3 pts: Limited or unclear sketches with minimal detail.

    • 0 pts: No UI design sketches provided.


Development Kick-Off Presentation #

50 points total

1. Project Overview (10 points)

  • Project Description and Goals (5 points)

    • 5 pts: Provides a clear and concise description of the project, including its goals and the problem domain. Explains how the project addresses specific needs or issues.

    • 3-4 pts: Description and goals are mostly clear but may lack some detail or specificity.

    • 1-2 pts: Description and goals are unclear or incomplete.

    • 0 pts: No clear description or goals provided.

  • Project Users and Their Needs (5 points)

    • 5 pts: Clearly identifies the project users and thoroughly describes their needs. Demonstrates a strong understanding of the user base and their requirements.

    • 3-4 pts: Identifies users and describes their needs but may miss some details or context.

    • 1-2 pts: Limited or vague identification of users and their needs.

    • 0 pts: No identification or description of users and their needs.

2. Requirements Overview (10 points)

  • Functional Requirements (5 points)

    • 5 pts: Clearly outlines the main functional requirements of the project. Provides detailed explanations of how these requirements will be met.

    • 3-4 pts: Outlines functional requirements with sufficient detail, though some aspects may be less clear.

    • 1-2 pts: Functional requirements are mentioned but not clearly explained.

    • 0 pts: No functional requirements provided.

  • Non-Functional Requirements (5 points)

    • 5 pts: Clearly outlines the main non-functional requirements of the project. Provides explanations of their importance and how they will be addressed.

    • 3-4 pts: Non-functional requirements are outlined but may lack some detail or explanation.

    • 1-2 pts: Non-functional requirements are mentioned but not clearly explained.

    • 0 pts: No non-functional requirements provided.

3. Product Backlog and Sprint Planning (10 points)

  • Highlights of Product Backlog (5 points)

    • 5 pts: Provides a clear summary of the product backlog, including key user stories and their priorities. Demonstrates a good understanding of the backlog's structure.

    • 3-4 pts: Summary of the product backlog is mostly clear, with some minor omissions or lack of detail.

    • 1-2 pts: Summary of the backlog is unclear or incomplete.

    • 0 pts: No summary of the product backlog provided.

  • Sprint Planning Strategies (5 points)

    • 5 pts: Clearly explains the sprint planning strategies, including how user stories are selected for sprints and how progress will be managed.

    • 3-4 pts: Sprint planning strategies are explained but may lack some detail or clarity.

    • 1-2 pts: Limited explanation of sprint planning strategies.

    • 0 pts: No explanation of sprint planning strategies provided.

4. Lessons Learned So Far

  • Lessons about Customer Interaction, Teamwork, and Non-Technical Aspects (10 points)

    • 10 pts: Provides insightful reflections on interactions with the customer, teamwork experiences, and other non-technical aspects of the project. Demonstrates a clear understanding of what was learned and how it impacts the project.

    • 7-9 pts: Reflection on lessons learned is mostly clear, with minor gaps in detail or insight.

    • 4-6 pts: Reflection is present but lacks depth or clarity.

    • 1-3 pts: Limited reflection on lessons learned, with minimal insight.

    • 0 pts: No reflection on lessons learned provided.

5. Presentation Quality

  • Slide Deck (10 points)

    • 10 pts: The slide deck is well-organized, free of typos, and neatly formatted. Slides are readable and effectively communicate the information. Visuals, if used, are relevant and enhance understanding.

    • 7-9 pts: The slide deck is mostly organized and readable, but may have minor formatting issues or typos.

    • 4-6 pts: The slide deck has some organizational or formatting issues and may contain several typos.

    • 1-3 pts: The slide deck is poorly organized, contains numerous typos, and is difficult to read.

    • 0 pts: The slide deck is not provided or is completely ineffective.


Sprint Report #

25 points total for each sprint report

1. Functionality and Implemented User Stories (5 points)

  • 5 pts: Clearly describes the functionality of the system at the end of the sprint and lists all user stories that were successfully implemented. Demonstrates a clear understanding of what was achieved during the sprint.

  • 3-4 pts: Provides a description of functionality and implemented user stories but may lack some detail or clarity.

  • 1-2 pts: Lists some functionality and user stories, but details are incomplete or unclear.

  • 0 pts: Functionality and user stories are not described.

2. Changes to User Stories (5 points)

  • 5 pts: Thoroughly explains any changes made to user stories, including any that were broken down further or newly identified. Clearly states whether new user stories were added to the backlog or implemented immediately.

  • 3-4 pts: Describes changes to user stories but may lack detail or completeness in explaining the reasons and actions taken.

  • 1-2 pts: Mentions changes to user stories but lacks clarity or detail in explanation.

  • 0 pts: No explanation of changes to user stories.

3. Lessons Learned (5 points)

  • 5 pts: Provides a detailed account of lessons learned during the sprint, including reflections on what could be done differently in the future. Demonstrates a clear understanding of the impact of these lessons on future sprints.

  • 3-4 pts: Discusses lessons learned with some detail but may lack depth or specificity.

  • 1-2 pts: Lessons learned are mentioned but not thoroughly explained or analyzed.

  • 0 pts: No lessons learned discussed.

4. Updated User Stories and Pre-/Post-Conditions (5 points)

  • 5 pts: Provides an updated, numbered list of user stories yet to be implemented, with clear indications of pre- and post-conditions for each story. The list is well-organized and easy to follow.

  • 3-4 pts: List of user stories and pre-/post-conditions is provided but may lack some detail or clarity.

  • 1-2 pts: Updated list is incomplete or lacks sufficient detail in pre- and post-conditions.

  • 0 pts: No updated list or pre-/post-conditions provided.

5. Sprint Planning (for all sprints except the last one, 5 points)

  • 5 pts: Identifies a subset of user stories for the next sprint, ensuring the cumulative size is about 1/4 of the full backlog. Clearly describes the expected functionality of the partially implemented system at the end of the next sprint.

  • 3-4 pts: Identifies user stories for the next sprint with some detail, but may lack completeness in describing the functionality.

  • 1-2 pts: User stories for the next sprint are mentioned but not clearly described.

  • 0 pts: No user stories or functionality described for the next sprint.

6. Unimplemented and New User Stories (for the last sprint only, 5 points)

  • 5 pts: Lists any remaining unimplemented user stories and any new user stories considered for the backlog, with clear explanations for each. Demonstrates understanding of backlog management and future planning.

  • 3-4 pts: Lists unimplemented and new user stories with some detail, but explanations may lack clarity.

  • 1-2 pts: Limited description of unimplemented and new user stories.

  • 0 pts: No list of unimplemented or new user stories provided.


Project Demonstration #

100 points total

1. Demonstration of Software (50 points)

  • 50 pts: The software is fully functional with all key features implemented. The demonstration clearly shows how the software meets the requirements outlined in the project proposal. The system operates smoothly without significant bugs or issues.

  • 35-49 pts: The software is mostly functional, with most key features implemented. Minor issues or incomplete features are present but do not significantly hinder the demonstration.

  • 20-34 pts: The software is partially functional, with several key features missing or not working as intended. Demonstration is limited by significant issues or bugs.

  • 0-19 pts: The software is not functional or does not demonstrate the key features. Major issues or bugs severely hinder the demonstration.

2. Presentation Quality (30 points)

  • 30 pts: The presentation is clear, well-organized, and effectively communicates the nature and specifics of the project. The presenter engages the audience and provides insightful explanations about the project’s functionality and implementation.

  • 20-29 pts: The presentation is generally clear and organized, but may have minor issues in communication or engagement. The project’s nature and specifics are covered, though some details may be lacking.

  • 10-19 pts: The presentation is somewhat disorganized or unclear. Key aspects of the project are not well communicated, and audience engagement is limited.

  • 0-9 pts: The presentation is poorly organized and fails to clearly communicate the nature and specifics of the project. There is little to no engagement with the audience.

3. Degree of Project Completion (20 points)

  • 20 pts: The project is complete with all deliverables met and fully integrated. Demonstration includes all planned features and reflects a high level of effort and thoroughness.

  • 15-19 pts: The project is mostly complete, with most deliverables met. Some features or aspects may be missing, but the overall effort and integration are apparent.

  • 10-14 pts: The project is partially complete, with several deliverables unmet or significant features missing. Effort and integration are inconsistent.

  • 0-9 pts: The project is incomplete, with major deliverables unmet and key features missing. Effort and integration are minimal.


User and Deployment Documentation #

50 points total

1. Deployment/Installation Steps and Technical Specifications (10 points)

  • 10 pts: Provides a clear, detailed, and accurate guide for deploying and installing the system. Includes all necessary technical specifications such as quirements, configuration settings, and installation procedures.

  • 7-9 pts: Guide is mostly clear and detailed but may have minor omissions or unclear sections. Technical specifications are included but may lack some details.

  • 4-6 pts: Guide is incomplete or lacks clarity. Technical specifications are partially included or not fully detailed.

  • 0-3 pts: Guide is missing, unclear, or incorrect. Technical specifications are not provided.

2. Explanation of Main Features (15 points)

  • 15 pts: Provides a thorough, clear, and user-friendly explanation of the main features of the system. Tailored for users who may not be familiar with the system, with a focus on usability.

  • 10-14 pts: Explanation is clear and mostly user-friendly, but may lack some detail or clarity. Main features are described adequately but may not be fully accessible to all users.

  • 5-9 pts: Explanation is somewhat unclear or lacks detail. Users may struggle to understand the main features and their benefits.

  • 0-4 pts: Explanation is incomplete, unclear, or not user-friendly. Main features are not adequately described.

3. Walkthrough for Main Scenario (15 points)

  • 15 pts: Provides a comprehensive and clear walkthrough of the main scenario. Includes appropriate screenshots that enhance understanding and are well-integrated into the document.

  • 10-14 pts: Walkthrough is mostly clear but may lack some detail or have minor issues with screenshots. The main scenario is described adequately.

  • 5-9 pts: Walkthrough is incomplete or unclear, with screenshots that may not effectively support the description. The main scenario is not well-documented.

  • 0-4 pts: Walkthrough is missing or unclear. Screenshots are not included or do not support the scenario description.

4. Walkthroughs for Additional Scenarios (10 points)

  • 10 pts: Provides clear and detailed walkthroughs for at least two additional scenarios. Includes relevant screenshots that support the descriptions and cover alternative functionalities effectively.

  • 7-9 pts: Walkthroughs are mostly clear but may lack some detail or have minor issues with screenshots. Additional scenarios are described but may not fully cover all alternative functionalities.

  • 4-6 pts: Walkthroughs are incomplete or unclear, with screenshots that may not effectively support the descriptions. Additional scenarios are not well-documented.

  • 0-3 pts: Walkthroughs are missing or unclear. Screenshots are not included or do not support the scenario descriptions.